This is Isabel. She is 3 1/2 months old with wonderful parents, Paula and Carlos.

Isabel was quite the little diva and a daddy's girl! She was a little cutie pie! Oh how I love the bebes!
The colorization effect was a hit in this session! I love doing this effect with babies! They always have something in a color that's up and poppin'!

I love doing this "Tiny Parts" composite with babies. I do this for

With Isabel, I was able to capture her cute little faces. My favorites are the close-ups on the edges of this composite. The individuals of these are just lovely. I hope Paula will get them enlarged and set up in a square shape with bold black picture frames on a wall. They would look great in her room!
DECORATING TIP!- Closeups look fabulous in Black and White printed 10x10 topped off in a bold frame. This crops of edges to solely focus on their face. Try it sometime!
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